Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eckhart Tolle's Influence On Me

Hey guys! My name Is Tom Loftus. I was born near Chicago, Illinois, in a suburb called St. Charles. I Have lived in many countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Switzerland, Kuwait, and the United States of America. My experiences with living abroad has taught me to acknowledge the universality with all the different cultures I have come across. That even though Switzerland is very different from Kuwait or Malaysia, for example, the people in each of those places are inherently the same. They all are looking for love, beauty, truth, and well-being in their lives no matter how different their religion, politics or cultural values may be. Because of this, we are all linked by a common universality, or a common bond of truth. It is my belief that this truth can be found in Eckhart Tolle's philosophy. Presence. Plain and simple. The more presence you invite into your life, the more bonded and connected you feel to your fellow man/woman. It is almost as if it removes the barrier or the wall between you and someone else. It breaks the barrier down and invites these universal truths that we are all bounded by. The humanity in all of us springs out, the love, the beauty, and the truth of who we are.

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